Section: New Results

Modeling XML document transformations

Participants : Joachim Niehren, Angela Bonifati, Sophie Tison, Sławek Staworko, Aurélien Lemay, Anne-Cécile Caron, Yves Roos, Benoît Groz, Antoine Ndione, Tom Sebastian.

XML Schema Validation Groz, Staworko et. al. [26] present a new algorithm that tests determinism of regular expressions in linear time. All regular expressions used in DTDs and XML Schemas are required to be deterministic by the recommendation of the W3C. Whether this is the case can indeed been tested in linear time, as shown in this paper. The best known previous algorithm, which was based on the Glushkov automaton, required O(σ|e|) time, where σ is the number of distinct symbols in e. They also show that matching a word w against a deterministic regular expression e can be achieved in combined linear time O(|e| + |w|) for a wide range of cases.

Staworko et. al. studied bounded repairability for regular tree languages modulo the tree edit distance [28] .

Ndione, Niehren, and Lemay [33] present a new probabilistic algorithm for approximate membership of words to regular languages modulo the edit distance on words. In the context of XML, this algorithm is relevant for sublinear DTD validity testing. The time complexity of the algorithm is independent of the size of the input word and polynomial in the size of the input automaton and the inverse error precision. All previous property testing algorithms for regular languages run in exponential time.

XML Query Answering Debarbieux, Niehren, Sebastian et. al. [32] present new algorithms for early XPath node selection on XML Streams. Early selection and rejection is crucial for efficiency, while earliest selection and rejection has high computational complexity in the general case. In contrast to all previous approaches, there algorithm does not rely on any expensive static analysis method. Instead, it is based on a compiler from XPath to nested word automata with selection and rejection states that they introduce. They cover a large fragment of downward XPath, with the main restriction that negation is forbidden above descendant axis and disjunctions. Non-determinism is used to deal with descendant axis and disjuctions. High run-time efficiency in practice is obtained by on-the-fly determinization for nested word automata, even in cases where static determinization produces automata of more than exponential size. Our experimental results confirm a very high efficiency in space and time. An implementation of our FXP/QuiXPath system is freely available and used for industrial transfer in the QuiXProc system.

Staworko et. al. tackled prioritized repairing and consistent query answering in relational databases in [20] .

External Cooperations with other teams in Lille lead to the following publications [19] , [31] , [30] .